TechnologyTop Picks

Throwback 2018 – The year of AI and Machine Learning

We are on the verge of the next green revolution. Except this time it is being driven by robots. A number of IOT devices are being developed


Spyro is a marketing landing page theme, that lets you build stunning high performance landing pages using a fully visual interface. Start with any of the demos below or build one on your own.

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Four places you need to visit if you are nature lover

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Why you should hire a lawyer to prepare your privacy policy

The web has become complicated with a lot of intrusion on personal data. Thus several countries have stepped up regulations


Words of Wisdom from a successful blogger

Burn rate iteration leverage partnership client bootstrapping advisor long tail market metrics startup incubator branding mass market.


5 things that every startup needs to do to succeed.

Infographic lean startup social proof incubator. Prototype scrum project learning curve strategy social media


Instagram Error : Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.


How to make your workforce a security front line.

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